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Product details
File Size: 31073 KB
Print Length: 392 pages
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health; 6 edition (September 4, 2015)
Publication Date: September 4, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#262,590 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I just started a new ICU RN internship and was stressing out about the EKG test. They told us that if we didn't pass the EKG test twice, we'd be fired. I'm not very good at reading EKGs. So I bought this book and read it from page one. It took about a week of solid reading and studying to get through it. Much to my surprise... I was one of the few interns that actually passed the EKG test on the first try and didn't have to retake it! I owe that success primarily to this book. Not only does it go over ECG interpretation, but it also discusses interventions and medications.
I work in the field of cardiology and I found this book to be a great tool to keep me sharp on my interpretations. It comes in very handy when identifying arrythmias. Money well spent for furthering my education and understanding the heart. I found the price was excellent. Thanks amazon
Great book, easy and quick references and explanations... much easier than looking through a whole text book.
I've been a registered nurse for almost a decade and bought this book as a reference to brush up on my rhythms. This book is perfect for someone just starting out learning about cardiac rhythms. I highly recommend this book!
basic telemetry book, very little regarding 12 leads. easy read. good basic review.
I love this book. My nursing school only briefly covered lethal rhythms. I barely had time to absorb what was really going on inside the heart. This was just the refresher I needed to really help me understand. I would also recommend it for pre/mid/post nursing school and those type A new grads going to tele floors. 😘
Happy with product, would purchase again.
Great book